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Back to Basics: Embracing the Homestead Lifestyle in a Small Backyard


Welcome to our Homestead!

Urban Farm
Backyard Chickens: The perfect starting point for a homesteading adventure!

Our adventure into homesteading first took place with a simple decision - we were going to raise our own chickens for those delicious morning eggs.

We built our very first chicken coop, but quickly realized that it didn't quite capture the dream we had in our hearts. We needed something custom-made for our tiny backyard. Little did we know that many more people were out there seeking something similar to the coop we built due to limited space.

To make a long story short, we prayed, asking for God's guidance, and by the end of the year, we ended up building 38 chicken coops throughout New England for many happy customers. I guess God did have a plan for us after all!

We have connected with some amazing families hoping to finding out more about homesteading in a small backyard. But that was just the beginning!

We realized this would be a long journey ahead and today we are here to share the joy of homesteading as well as occasional challenges we face while cooking from scratch, growing our own food, raising small life stock and creating a sustainable life.

What to know about us ?

We are a family of four, with two boys: a 4-year-old and an 11-year-old with special needs, whom we primarily homeschool. I grew up in Brazil and cherished my visits to my grandparents' farm. I believe my passion for sustainable living stems from observing their simple life and how infrequently my grandparents visited the grocery store compared to today. My husband, while not as familiar with this way of living, is enthusiastic about learning all he can. This summer, we harvested our first chickens and are very proud to know exactly how we raised, fed, and processed our own meat. Don't panic, our egg-laying crew is still intact! Those other chickens were our meat chickens.

Our homestead is bustling with activity and projects, with our kids in the middle of it, helping out with daily chores. Each morning the kids walk to the chicken coop to gather the fresh eggs and let the chickens out in the backyard. After gathering the eggs, we head to our small garden to pick some tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and water the plants. Once done outside, we talk about ways we could use the food we grew. It brings us so much joy to witness their excitement with every seed and vegetable that emerges in our garden. While these tasks may seem simple, they create lasting memories and teach our kids valuable life skills such as knowing exactly where our food comes from.

How Can I Begin Homesteading in a Small Backyard?

Homesteading is becoming more popular, which is very encouraging. Many people are recognizing the benefits of a simple, slow lifestyle and are embracing traditional skills. Nevertheless, some may feel discouraged due to the lack of required space.

We truly believe that you don’t need a large plot of land to begin your homestead journey! That said, we think cooking from scratch is an essential skill to have. If you dream of raising animals for meat, milk, or eggs or even growing your own food, it is super important to learn how to use and preserve the harvest so nothing goes to waste.

We are so excited to help you learn some of these skills, step by step. No matter if you are a seasonal homesteader or just starting out, there is always something to learn! We are here to share all the knowledge we have gathered along the way with you.

Share your thoughts below on the homesteading-related content you're eager to explore! Stay connected with us on social media @islandcustomcoops or subscribe below to join our homesteading journey and access valuable tips.


Sep 20, 2024

Such a sweet family ❤️

Sep 20, 2024
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